I've just spent the last month in Athena, Mississippi, with Charlie Harris and his Maine Coon companion, Diesel. Honestly, I really don't know where to begin this sordid tale of addiction, but I'll try.
I hadn't read any male authored cozies until I read the Mary Handley Mystery series written by a man, Lawrence H. Levy who's main character is a woman so I was curious to know if other men wrote cozy mysteries. Wrong moment to be curious - and the Good Lord knows, I should have known better given that old saying "curiosity killed the cat". Well, it didn't kill me - the cat - but it certainly proved the other old saying of "be careful what you wish for" ... or what cozy series you start. As a result, this cozy cat ended up spending a month in Athena. Naturally, my research didn't provide me with a simple, "yes, there are male authored cozies", oh no. It rendered information that left me completely agog. Let's see ... uh ... there was indeed a rather prolific male writer of cozies named Dean James who wrote a series called A Cat In The Stacks Mystery under the pen name, Miranda James ... a female ... yet who's main character is a male, Charlie Harris, or rather two males: Charlie and Charlie's Maine Coon cat, Diesel. So a male writer, writing as a woman telling the story as a man. Did I get that right?

Mr. James's stories are plausible, all well thought out and he throws more red herrings than rice at a wedding. And praise the Lord he doesn't belabor all the love interest stuff - he just cuts to the chase. For that alone, I bow down to him. He is one of the very best storytellers, mystery weavers and character painters among all the cozy writers. And as for Diesel, well, if you aren't a cat lover, believe me you'll find yourself longing for one just like him.
I know I am always encouraging others in their cozy addiction and suggesting they start a new series, but I promise you this is a dear, sweet, sharp, tight, perfect series that shouldn't be missed and sure to please. The next title in the series is out in February 2016, No Cats Allowed.
Please, please check out the indomitable Mr. James's website for every bit of information about him. I have no idea how on earth he works as a librarian and writes all these wonderful stories.
As, always I'd love to hear from my fellow cozy addicts. And should you wish to know more about me, please visit my site:
My month-long sojourn in Athena was a lovely, lovely cozy time. And I am resting up with more cozies!