The Date: 20 May 2015
Dear Laura Childs aka Gerry Schmitt, whose recent Tea Shop Mystery, Ming Tea Murder, I have just completed - I have a slight bone to pick with you. So, we all know, that I am a Cozy Mystery addict. Fine. Now what would be the last thing that I needed? Easy peasy answer: another Cozy series to take on. And yet, not only has this opportunity been offered, it comes from a writer who already has 3 - count 'em - 3 ongoing series - two of which I read. Who, you ask, could that culprit possibly be? Easy peasy answer: Laura Childs aka Gerry Schmitt.
As usual, before I even begin a title, I go to the very back to see what the next title will be so I can pre-order it; sure sign of a true cozy addict. As I happily discovered, the next title in The Tea Shop Mystery series would be, Devonshire Scream and in The Cackleberry Club series, Egg Drop Dead and in The Scrapbooking Mysteries series, Parchment and Old Lace (a series that I have, hither, refused to succumb to) and then, right there was this horrible, ominous announcement: Warning To Readers ... that then went on to announce that Laura Childs aka Gerry Scmitt was coming out with a new series: The Afton Tangler Thriller series whose first title would be, Finders Creepers. I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't believe my eyes. How was it remotely possible that Laura Childs aka Gerry Schmitt had the nerve - let alone the energy - to announce a new series? Seriously?! I was dumbstruck. Worse than that, it was a series I had every intention of reading. Which then made me think, well, hell, why not consider reading the Scrapbooking Mysteries and just be done with it. Then ... I found an article on-line from 2014 on Laura Childs aka Gerry Schmitt and it stated that she was going to write a FIFTH series. FIFTH!!!!! Oh come on, that's just plain insane and unfair and yet ... will I? Won't I? Only time will tell.
Delaine for Tea or not Delaine for Tea? That is the question. |
In the meanwhile, Ming Tea Murder was, for me, one of the best stories
in the series. It was a very fast moving, clean, concise, mystery with a wonderfully surprising twist. I must admit I had a slight suspicion who the culprit was and I ended up being right (a rare occurrence for me), but I kept getting thrown off-guard which is always the sign of a good writer. And, as always, I love visiting with all the regulars: dear Drayton, wonderful Haley, Miss Dimple and even Delaine. I do think, however, it's time we began to get Theodosia seriously on the matrimony track, although I don't know about Max. He always seems to be a bit of a wet noodle for someone like Theodosia. However, most of the time, matrimony is a natural progression for characters in a series and one that fans of this series are waiting for.
One interesting fact I garnered from the article written in 2014 is that Laura Childs aka Gerry Schmitt was one of the first Cozy writers to incorporate recipes. I can tell you from first hand experience, the recipes are always wonderful and always work. And the many tea resources listed at the end of each title, reaffirm the fact that Laura Childs aka Gerry Schmitt is one bewildering force of non-stop energy, inspiration and passion. Thank you Laura Childs aka Gerry Schmitt for all your artistry and love. Your Cozy fans ... especially this one ... is deeply grateful.
To get the complete overview of the infinitely energetic Laura Childs aka Gerry Schmitt please visit her website:
To get the complete overview of the infinitely energetic Laura Childs aka Gerry Schmitt please visit her website:
As always, I welcome all fellow Cozy Addict comments and should you wish to know more about me visit my website:
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